Sunday, July 30, 2017

3 Lessons My Kids Have Taught Me

I often reflect on the joys my 3 kids bring to my life. We take for granted all that kids can do for our souls, and I have found three lessons from my kids I need to embrace and live by:

1) Laugh often, and laugh hard: Listening to a child's laugh is contagious. Making them laugh so I can hear the true belly laugh is a daily event in our house. As adults, we need to find more times to laugh.   We need to create spaces for laughter breaks at work, and laugh as much as possible.

2) Move on from a bad experience or mood quickly: My youngest can put on a lower lip like none other. She can instantly start smiling and laughing 30 seconds later. My middle kid can be crying and upset because he messed up and got in trouble, but 5 minutes later, he's forgotten and moved on. My oldest is entering Jr. high this fall. She can be upset and go in her room, and a few minute later will come to find me and snuggle and be ready to move on. Too often as adults, we harbor hard feelings, hang on to negative thoughts, and can't "let go" of situations. We need to take the kid approach of "moving on" as life is too short!

3) Embrace trying something new: All three of my kids are adventurous and typically up for something new. They love exploring, riding rides, eating different kinds of food, and traveling. Watching them pick something up, play with it, ask about it, and test it is fun to watch. As adults, we need to have the curiosity and williness to try new things, explore, and learn something new. We need to have the kid approach of learning on a daily basis.

Although the three things above are simple, we as adults need the reminders to laugh, move on after a bad thought or experience, and to try new things! There is so much we can learn from kids. What will be your take-aways from your kids and/or the kids you teach?

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