Monday, February 20, 2017

Mr. President, Do It For The Kids!

Dear Mr. President, this is NOT a post about politics, bashing you in your position, nor a personal attack.  RATHER, this is a rallying cry for your help in being a role model for our kids! My three children understand the concept of the President of the United States of America.
They see your face everywhere.  They will grow up respecting your position of power; however, I don't know that I want them to grow up respecting your treatment of individuals, your lack of respectful discourse, and your rhetoric that seems angry and lashing out at people with name-calling.

We all can agree to disagree on a daily basis; however, it's how we disagree that is critical.  Demonstrating name-calling, bullying behavior, and simply speaking without listening aren't ways to debate and disagree.  I want my kids, and ALL kids to see in you a role model who leads with integrity, and talks to others in a way we want our kids to grow up talking to each other. YOU sir, are a role model and millions of eyes are on you.  It is NOT about what you say, as much as HOW you say it.  I implore you to consider each day HOW you are speaking to people as well as what you are saying.  Kids may not understand the politics and issues you discuss; however, they WILL see and hear the delivery method and messaging of how we treat each other from you.

I for one, cannot back nor respect a president who continues to model to our kids angry rhetoric, name-calling, and bullying behavior.  I can understand your disdain for the media, you are not the first president to feel that way.  I can handle the "fake news" stories and sometimes untruths you speak, as we as a society need to learn to distinguish fact from fiction.  I can attempt to shield my kids from the media; however, they should not have to be kept from seeing the leader of the country; I don't want them viewing you as a role model if you can't act respectful and civil towards other humans.

In closing, it is not about whether I'm a Republican or Democrat, whether I voted for/against you, or whether I agree with your policies.  Quite simply Mr. President, it's only about the way you talk to and at people that I care about related to being the role model our kids in this country need.

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