As a new school year is about to begin, it's imperative we bring fire and passion to school! Whether a classroom teacher, administrator, or other staff member, we have a morale obligation to bring the fire and passion to our schools! Dave Burgess (@burgessdave on Twitter) and the entire #tlap and #LeadLAP tribe focus on making classrooms and schools engaging for students. Being innovative educators and relevant for our students isn't just for some educators, it needs to be for ALL staff. Kids need to have a strong desire to come to your classroom and school every day, and that doesn't just magically happen. It takes intentionality and inner passion and fire from educators to create the environment that draws students in. It takes a commitment to be innovative and find numerous ways to engage today's students.
There are numerous ways to bring the fire and engagement and hook students from day one; doing BreakoutEDU, having students do short iMovies, scavenger hunts, Flipgrid, impromptu class dance parties for breaks, and utilizing technology to code, 3-D print, and allow students to create versus just consume. Get on Twitter and ask around, and you can find hundreds of effective ideas! We need the adults to have a fire in their bellies to bring their A+ game each and every day.
Having a fire in your soul for kids and wanting to build relationships and show you genuinely care is critical. Looking students in the eyes, giving high fives, knowing their names, and celebrating their successes are all part of building that class or school that is on fire for kids!
This year the challenge is simple: BRING THE FIRE to your classroom and school site! What will you do to engage students on a daily basis? What will you do to build relationships with students? What will you do to be innovative for your students? As an educator, bring your fire and passion, and watch it spread!
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